Friday 15 January 2016

Losing My Mojo...

Losing My Mojo...'s me! Not Adele, it's Emma!
Sorry I haven't posted in a very, very, very long time, I've got myself a second job; I know I'm crazy for doing so, but what else is a single girl supposed to do at the weekends? So with both my jobs & trying to make time for the gym and other things in my life, I've let my blogging take a back seat.

I feel like 2015 has been my random wandering year as I've sort of lost my mojo of healthy eating & exercise, which is sad because it's something that I do enjoy participating in & I enjoy all the healthy food I make.

Over the past year, from fracturing a bone in my foot, to having my heart broken at the beginning of the year, then having a car accident; the first six months of the year didn't go as I had hoped for. These set backs meant I missed classes & some of the classes I was attending eventually closed due to low attendance, so when I was ready to return I had no class to go back too!
Even though I had these sets backs I struggled through with the help of my friends & family. My best friend Laura & I manage to complete The Suffering 5K, which was great fun but in total was 8.5K long instead, but that's another story.

The second half of the year, hasn't been too shabby; I managed to pull myself together & get out of my funk & get things back on track. I've felt great about myself & felt more confident & have become stronger in the gym, but still I have been feeling that something isn't right. Then I lost my mojo, in October a month before I was due to go away for my holiday to Australia. It just went; I was grumpy & unhappy with myself & my body but I continued to go to the gym regardless. I don't think there has been much change to my body over the year that I can see, which is a little disheartening, when I had tried to put in so much effort. I feel like I've become exhausted & feel like I've made no progress.

The Land Down Under...

Luckily, whilst I was on holiday in Australia, not only did I get the rest I needed, but I also found myself inspired again, by my wonderful cousins! I really liked Australia as I felt that the lifestyle there is more healthy, restaurants have much more to offer in the way of gluten free, dairy free etc. and there's specialist health food shops scattered everywhere full of lovely organic & alternative foods. Also the weather really helps, not only does the sunshine help everyone's mood, but you can do more activities outside, which is what sucks about the lovely English weather...roll on summer! 
So, by talking to my cousins about their health & fitness regime's & what I do back home, really helped me refocus my mind, which is what I desperately needed.
I was eating quite healthily & enjoying the sunshine by going on lovely long coastal walks whilst I was visiting Australia, it really gave me a renewed sense of what I want to achieve & what I want to push myself to do. So, that once Christmas was out of the way I can start again in 2016 with a renewed perspective.

Peace & Love.


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