Tuesday 7 April 2015

8 Weeks Later

8 Weeks Later

So, I've been living life the Buffmaster way for the last 8 weeks, and I feel fantastic, probably the best I've felt in ages. I feel healthy, strong, happy, and it's definitely going to continue. 

So here's my measurements since last time....

At the beginning of February                        28 Days Later.                    End of March.

Measurements (inches)
Arm: 13.5.                                                              14.                                   14
Bust: 37.                                               37.5 (Hooray for boobies).                37
Chest: 32.5.                                                          32.                                    32
Waist: 32.                                                              32.                                    32
Hips: 41.5.                                                             41.                                  41.5
Bum: 44.                                                                43.                                  42.5 
Upper Thigh: 26.5.                                                26.                                   25 
Lower Thigh: 21.                                                   19.5.                                20

So in total over the last month I've only lost an inch, and since the beginning of the year I've only lost 0.1%  body fat, now that I've found some scales that can give me an half sharp reading. What I've lost maybe ONLY be something small, but it's better than nothing at all &  because I've been eating so well, my skin, hair, general health & wellbeing is great, I'm feeling very positive for what lies ahead...

Hope you all had a lovely Easter! 

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