Tuesday 21 April 2015

Bootea Teatox Review

Bootea Teatox Review

So, I've been seeing this Bootea Teatox all over social media, it's been used by celebrities from those Geordies up north to those Essex birds down south and everyone in between so I thought I'd give it a try to see if it's another one of those gimmick products that's indorsed by the celebs or whether it actually works. So what is it supposed to do? 

Bootea Teatox uses natural ingredients to help cleanse the body of toxins, and built up waste matter from the body via the lungs, kidneys, bowels and skin. Bootea comes with an 
eating plan which is accessible free online, with the combination of the tea, eating plan & an active exercise regime to achieve maximum results, over the 14 days or 28 day Teatox that you purchase. 

I chose the 14 day Teatox, I looked over the eating plan which is vegetarian, they say if you are to eat meat it has to be organic and lean so chicken or turkey. However, I declined to follow the eating plan purely because there just wasn't enough protein in it for my life style, I workout & when I do it's mainly weight resistant training, if I followed their eating plan, yes my weight would drop but I would be losing my muscle mass as I wouldn't be eating enough protein to maintain or grow my muscles, no one wants to be thin & flabby. Here's the link to the eating plan https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0237/2289/files/bootea_flexible_eating_plan.pdf?1395

This is my before photo taken on the Tuesday after the Easter bank holiday, so lots of chocolate, alcohol & my mum's homemade Beef Wellington. #fattie

The ingredients are natural, but I wanted to know whether they had any other health benefits so I looked into the ingredients...

Daytime Tea Ingredients

Oolong Tea- Helps Eczema & other inflammatory skin conditions.
Mate Leaves - Acts as a weight loss tool/ suppresses appetite.
Giner Root - Anti Inflammatory & helps digestive problems.
Fennel Seeds - Reduces bloating.
Lemongrass - Rebalances internal flora.
Dandilion Leaf - Increases kidney & bowel movements.
Ginseng Root - Boots Immunity.
Gotu Kola Leaves - Helps with circulation.
Nettle Leaves - Helps with digestive system.

Nighttime Tea Ingredients

Senna Leaves - Natural laxative
Peppermint Leaves - Helps with digestion
Genugreek Seeds - Helps digestion & reduces cholesterol
Liquorice Root - Lowers stomach acid, relives heartburn/indigestion, mild laxative
Burdock Root - Anti-inflammatory
Hawthorn Leaves - Helsp with digestive complaints
Valarian Root - Helps with sleep disorders (Anyone seen Carry On Screaming - Valaria?)
Psyllium Seeds - A source of soluble fiber/ laxative.

As you can see from the ingredients its suppose to rebalance the digestive system, & with the laxatives "cleanse" the body of toxins.

The daytime Teatox takes a few mornings to get use to the flavour, I usually drink herbal teas so I'm quite accustomed to trying new ones. It smells like nettles, it tastes like nettles, it's nettles; with a hint of a citrus after taste, after a couple of mornings I got quite used to it but the first couple of days it does taste quite bitter. 

The nighttime tea, is actually quite pleasant, I'm a big fan of peppermint tea its one of my favourites, so I really enjoy the nighttime tea. You only have this tea every other night.

The Effects
So naturally by doing a detox/ colon cleanse or whatever they would like to call it, people just want the honest truth about the effects.
The daytime tea doesn't really effect you in anyway, I have the tea in the morning & carry on drinking my regular green tea through out the day. I can't agree that it suppressed my appetite, I was starving for most of the time, I don't think I've eaten so much in ages.

The nighttime tea, however, within like an hour and a half of drinking it, I was on the loo. So the next morning I had my morning tea & breakfast now I think the combination of the two teas & my breakfast, did the job it was supposed to do... I went to the loo 3 times that morning, you will shit through the eye of a needle to say the least, also have really bad farts that will leave you wondering what the hell you've eaten or what has crawled up your ass & died.

The effects of the nighttime tea only happened that badly on the 1st night/morning after, the only other time it flared up like this was about a week later, so halfway through the cleanse, when I had eaten out & had a few mojitos, but it wasn't as severe I didn't go to the loo at night I only went twice in the morning.

The Results

So I've completed my Teatox, overall I do feel less bloated which is good. My after photos were taken this morning 21/04/15, after I had eaten my breakfast & after I had been to bootcamp where we did abs! But I'm not sure whether it's made any visable difference, maybe you guys can be the judge? I've not lost any weight either. I know I didn't follow their food guide/diary thing but if I did it would make me lose weight, but not the right kind, it would have made me lose muscle rather than fat, I'm just not down with that.
Maybe it depends what your diet is like before the cleanse, I don't know I eat pretty healthy anyway, so it might not have worked? Maybe some of you may try it & and get different results... it kind of worked for me as I feel less bloated, but I'm not sure whether I see any physical difference in my photos, but I did enjoy the tea.
Here are my photos together for comparison....

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