Monday 30 March 2015

Spring Cleaning...

Spring Cleaning

Living in the countryside I enjoy all the seasons, I love springtime & the hope it brings for new beginnings, new birth & rebirth, not only of life but of the self also. I believe that spring is a good time to sort, re-organise and set new goals for the rest of year. 

I have recently done a spring clean in my living space, which I found very therapeutic as it's sweeping away all the old cobwebs, ready for something new, or as my nan used to say "out with the old in with the new". By having a spring clean it helps me refocus on what I want, and how I'm going to get there. By getting rid & cleaning all the dust & cobwebs away is like getting rid of all negative energy that surrounds you & reorganising your living space into something more positive. 

Whilst I was doing this I also found time to go through some of my old things, that I no longer need or use anymore, most of them were clothes that are way too big for me now, luckily they were in good condition & I manage to sell some of these on eBay. I then use the money I earn to buy myself something new that fits, the down side to losing weight is having to replace your wardrobe which can be costly. Some of the items I have found I donate to charity  as other people may find them useful, this genrates good karma. 

Spring cleaning doesn't have to be about actually cleaning or materialistic objects, it can be about emotions & people in your life as well. There's no point trying to change your lifestyle if your perpetually surrounded by people who are toxic & negative, or if you feel negative about yourself or a situation your in. It's time to get rid of the negative people & feelings & embrace the warm sunlight with open arms & know that your strong enough, you deserve it & you can do it. Spread the love & positive vibes. Namaste. 

Monday 23 March 2015

Week 8 Update

Week 8 Update

Happy Monday! 
It's that time of the week again, so last week when I updated I had been rather ill, so I lost some weight, now that I'm back on track my weight has gone back up to 81.1KG. To be honest I've not been that good this week, I have been having a few too many cups of tea with sugar in ðŸ˜±.
So, today I've reset myself, & I'm concentrating on sugar reduction this week in my diet, to see if it makes a difference. I may also cut my carbs slightly lower, and up my fats a little, but I haven't yet decided. 
As I've been better this week, I attended all 3 Buffmaster boot camps ðŸ’ª, my kickboxing class & yoga. 
Over the last few weeks I've been sharing my weight every week and as you can see it's up & down like a yoyo, last week it was down as I had lost my appetite & hadn't done any exercise & this week I'm healthy & I've gained. 
So I think I'm going to just do a monthly report on how I've done, because the scales are useless especially when weightlifting & concentrate on my measurements, hourglass figure here I come... ⌛ 

Oh here's the link to some of my food diary, I did forget to photography most of it, I've also included my weeks total from myfitnesspal. 

Friday 20 March 2015

Obesity in the News

Obesity in the News
Forgive my ignorance, but I never knew that people who are morbidly obese could recieve benefits for this so called "disability".
I understand that people can develop obesity from an underactive thyroid, or from cushing syndrome and depression. These are valid medical reasons that warrant people to have such a benefit, if they let these conditions effect their everyday lives.
However, people who carry extra weight through no fault of their own by eating too much, shouldn't have any disability benefit; they've brought the problem on themselves, they should be able to overcome it by themselves. We all know that by becoming obese & eating the wrong foods can cause health problems such as hypertension, circulatory problems, cancer, depression and diabetes, so I don't see why people should be allowed to claim for the benefit, if they brought it on themselves. They will already be in receipt of free health care to help with the medical problems brought on by becoming obese, so they shouldn't be allowed to recieve disability benefit too.
I was completely appalled one day, I came home from work and scrolled through my facebook feed, to find someone had commented on a video from that days This Morning programme. It was a story about a 15 year old girl, who weighed 17 stone who wanted a gastric band on NHS. She claimed she'd tried everything, and that the pressure of society made her believe that gastic band was the only option left. This is a 15 year old girl, she hasn't even finished developing yet, she could easily lose all that weight with the right knowledge and a positive attitude, and to ignore what 'society' says that its all about how you look, actually it's all about being confident and not to let anyone mug you off.
I actually felt quite sorry for her, and could relate to her situation about feeling down, inadequate in 'society's' eyes, having no self esteem or confidence. I'd actually really like to help her to let her know that actually she's not alone, and that she can do it once she puts her mind to it, and that actually she doesn't need to put her self through unnecessary surgery.
When I first started my weight loss I was half a stone (7lbs/3.1Kg) away from being categorised as morbidly obese, luckily for me I hadn't developed any physical health problems yet. I've written this blog because I believe it's important to educate people about what they're doing to their bodies. I've learnt the hard way & I also fear that if something isn't done to combat this obesity crisis that is sweeping over western civiliations we're all gonna end up like this...

Monday 16 March 2015

Week 7 Update...

Week 7 Update

Hi y'all. 
Sorry I haven't posted a weekly update in a while, I've been rather ill with a cold & sinusitis, which sucked! 
Anyways, this week I weigh 80.3 Kg, my body fat has stayed the same at 38.1% (not sure whether the body fat is correct as the scales in the bathroom are dodgy, I'm gonna go use some different ones in town). Unfortunately due to my illness, I haven't been eating as much as I usually do, plus I couldn't really taste anything anyway. I also haven't really done any exercise so I've been feeling fat all week, although I felt better towards the end of the week so I went to yoga & had an abs & back PT session on Saturday.
Although I feel by having a week off I've fallen behind with my goals, I'm ready this week to crack on! As it was sunny a couple of days last week, summer is only around the corner, so salad & sunbed season has started, getting ready to look buffting this summer! 

Wednesday 11 March 2015

I Wanna Do Bad Things....With Carbs

I Wanna Do Bad Things...With Carbs

I'm not gonna lie, I love all things made with white flour, pasta, bread, cake, biscuits...mmm donuts, & all things sugary & sweet, chocolate, sweets & ice cream. So, naturally all of these things should be enjoyed as a treat every so often, rather than everyday, as they're the wrong kind of carbohydrates we need. 

I know what you're thinking, how could some taste so good, be so bad for us? 

Well it's all a case of Simple vs. Complex carbs. The above mentioned yummy foods are unfortunately examples of simple carbs. This means that the smaller molecules of sugar are absorbed & digested quickly into our bodies. This energy is turned into glycogen & is stored in our cells. If it's not used it immediately turns to fat.  Simple carbs have usually been stripped of most of their nutrients & made more consumer friendly, their high glycemic index (GI) will cause our blood sugar levels to rise quickly causing a sugar rush, once this has ended it was cause our blood sugar levels to dip, & then we begin to seek out more sugar.

Complex carbs, are our friends. They may not taste as great & we may not always be in the mood for them, but they are good to us. Complex carbs can be found in a more natural state foods, this means they haven't been tampered with or processed. These foods are high in nutrients & lower in calories. They're also low GI foods which means our bodies have to work harder to break the food down, to get the glycogen which means that our blood sugar levels are more stable throughout the day. 

Before I started changing my lifestyle I used to eat mainly simple carbs in abundance & not worry about it, I'd never really thought about the nutritional value of the foods I was eating before. Now, I realise how much of the simple carbohydrates turn to sugar, & this is is probably one of the causes of my own obesity, from this I have learnt the error of my ways I now eat complex carbs & because not only are they good for you, they're more dense more so you don't need as much as they fill you up. 
From being educated on carbs, I could then implement an eating plan with my training program for results. I've previously blogged about the Team Dynamix Alkaline/Acid eating plan & about Macro counting, because I'm an endomorph & my goal is for fat loss, I limit my carbs throughout they day, I also don't have any carbs with my evening meal on non-training days. However, it is important to stress that you should never cut one food group completely from your diet, the consequences not only physically but also mentally could be detrimental to you. 

As I am determined to reach my goal, & I show great willpower to be able to say 'No' to the simple carb foods, but don't get me wrong I know my history of being an emotional eater, & if I'm having a particularly bad time I could quite happily sit with a cup of tea & smash a whole packet of chocolate hobnobs, no question. But, even then I still don't display this behaviour because I understand my triggers, & willpower is a wonderful thing...
Plus, now I'm in the habit of eating well & looking after myself, I like to save my simple carb treats for something special as I love Italian food or a G&T or wine. 

Saturday 7 March 2015

Count Your Macros

Count Your Macros

I know you're probably reading the title like this......

Macro's or macronutrients are nutrients that provide energy/calories, in large quantities hence the 'macro'. There are three macronutrient groups that the body needs to function properly. These are protein, fats & carbohydrates. 

So, how do we know how much we need to eat? 
Depending on your goals, will determine how many calories of each of the groups you need to eat. Firstly, you need to figure out your basal metabolic rate (BMR) this is number of calories your body needs just to complete its basic functions e.g breathing & brain function if you were to live as a couch potato.  From this you can either add calories if your gaining or decrease your calories if you wish to lose, as we all know managing our weight is basic maths. Here's a link where you can find your BMR

My BMR is 1612 if I were to live as a couch potato, because I want to lose fat I usually eat 1400 calories a day. This number of calories is enough for me I usually feel nice & full at meal times, however, sometimes I do go over this depending on what I've trained, if it's leg day I'll go over because I know I'll need extra protein for my muscles to recover & repair, some days you're more hungry than others & obviously I go over it on treat days too! When I do go over my calorie allowance it's usually not by that much & I probably end up eating my BMR, and most people reading this probably think that 1400 calories isn't a lot of food, but when you eat clean, you can usually eat a lot more food. You can also find macro proportions based on your somatotype, I'm an endomorph so I basically need to manage my fat & carb intake.
My calorie allowance is made up into percentages of the 3 food groups 45% protein, 35% carbs & 20% fats.  I sometimes play around with the percentages as my goal is fat loss, so I have tried increasing my fats & lowering my carbs, although don't lower your carbs too low otherwise you get grumpy, & no one will like you. 

This is why I find my fitness pal an extremely useful tool, as you can set your daily calorie intake & set your percentages. Then your off ready to record your food diary, I enter everything I eat into it. I'm usually like this at every meal time...

Sunday 1 March 2015

28 Days Later....

So, as everyone knows I reset myself at the beginning of Feburary on a mission to fight the fat & I've been keeping you all updated with my weekly progress. This week I've not been feeling myself & not sleeping properly which has led me to make poor choices when regarding caffeine...I chose builders tea instead of green, also aunt flow is on her way & unfortunately with this comes some water retention & bloating, plus it's end of the month & I decided that I'd been good all month I think I deserved a few G&T's. 

However, from having such a poor week, my weight is 80.8Kg which means I've gained 0.6Kg (1.3lbs) over the month which I don't think is that bad, I'm also hoping that some of this is muscle (fingers crossed). This week my body fat percentage is still 38.1% which means I've lost a total of 0.4% over the last month,which considering I'm an endomorph I'm pretty happy with that. 

This biggest difference has come with my measurements.....

At the beginning of February                        28 Days Later.                    Difference 

Measurements (inches)
Arm: 13.5.                                                              14.                                  0.5 gain
Bust: 37.                                               37.5 (Hooray for boobies).               0.5 gain
Chest: 32.5.                                                          32.                                  0.5 loss
Waist: 32.                                                              32.                                   -
Hips: 41.5.                                                             41.                                  0.5 loss
Bum: 44.                                                                43.                                   1 loss
Upper Thigh: 26.5.                                                26.                                    1 loss
Lower Thigh: 21.                                                   19.5.                                1.5 loss

So over 28 days I have lost 3.5 inches, by weight resistance training working one muscle group at a time & by eating properly, again this week I've forgotten to take pictures of my food (sorry) so there's no food diary this week. 

This week at PT I smashed my PB on the 45 degree leg press 10 sets of 10 reps at 120Kg, which is over my starting body weight back in January 2012. Over the last month I've become stronger & fitter, I can't wait to see my results at the end of March; besides summer is only round the corner & I can't wait, it's time to get buff!